
Arrow 3200 Front Roller

Finally front roller mower conditioners with all the benefits of trailed mower conditioners!


These machines are powerful and have good handling. The Arrow 3200 Front Roller features the Pendulum Centre System  (P C S) suspension system and both models have the HydroBalance suspension. ELHO’s roller mower conditioners treat leafy and sensitive forage types gently. The frame allows the cutter bar to follow the field surface lightly and avoid obstacles – a conditioner cannot get any better than this!

An additional equipment feature the HydroBalance top link increases the machine’s freedom to move and to work in a more controlled manner.

The ELHO front roller mower conditioners can give more mowing power to existing trailed mowers and mounted roller mower conditioners. When combining a 3200 Front Roller with an NM 9000 Delta Roller, even large fields can be easily covered. 

ELHO Arrow 3200 Front Roller:

  • Arrow 3200 front roller: pcs suspension system allows the machine to move more freely 
  • Cutting unit is pulled from a point right above the front edge of the cutter bar
  • Upon collision, the cutting unit moves back and up
  • Hydrobalance suspension
  • Flexible suspension between the cutting unit and the load-bearing frame
  • Arrow NM 3200 D / NM 3200 SIDEFLOW
  • Arrow 3200 P Roller
  • Arrow NM 3200 Front / Arrow NM 3700 Front